Indie Dock Music Blog

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Carter Fox – Cosmic Sunrise – Live at Everloft Studios
American musician and composer Carter Fox creates cosmic music that expands the horizons of modern musical art. His releases reach the top of the charts all over the world and his live performances have inspired him to continue working in this direction.

Carter Fox recently released a live version of the song 'Cosmic Sunrise' from his upcoming album, which will be released in January 2023. This musical composition was presented in a music video that was shot in the studio where he performs this relaxing and meditative song together with Steve Honz.  

Yes, this song has no words, but unpretentious cosmic sounds of keyboards and guitar arpeggios are mixed with warm bass and sharpening trip-hop beats. This music was born to open new parallels and horizons where we can always take our next step.  

Watch the music video 'Cosmic Sunrise' on YouTube below and enjoy the enchanting sounds of Carter Fox's great music composition.