Indie Dock Music Blog

Hana Piranha - Toxic (single)              Romain Swan - Bloody Business ft. Romane Baudry (single)              Rex K & The Snake Pit Philharmonic - Beaten Path Blues (single)              JaJaJaJa - Blues El Bilad (single)              Tobias Arbo - Yellow Woods (album)              Hot Mud - Pink Cloud Pop (album)                         
February 10, 2024
David Bowie’s first address
By indiedockmusicblog | |
It remains interesting that even such alien rock stars as David Bowie had his parental home on our unfortunate planet. The future star lived the first 6 years of his life in 40 Stansfield Road, Brixton, London.
RPKprincess – crybaby
By indiedockmusicblog | |
RPKprincess is a music project created in New York by Bella, a musician, gamer and artist. Her extensive experience in the field of music production allowed her to debut with her own single 'crybaby'.
Gary Dranow – Mother’s Angry
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Gary Dranow's new single 'Mother's Angry' was released on February 8. The song tells about climate change and issues related to it.
Gary Dranow – Jane
By indiedockmusicblog | |
'Jane' is the new single from American artist Gary Dranow and his band The Manic Emotions. The song tells about the human longing for the restoration of relationships and about the inner willpower that allows us to remain human in the most unpredictable situations.