Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
February 9, 2024
The Listros – Hands Against The Wall
By indiedockmusicblog | |
'Hands Against The Wall' is the second single of the Canadian rock band The Listros, which was released on February 9. After the international success of their debut single 'Into The Otherside', the guys move on with the same crazy energy and stage charisma.
Karen Harding – Imaginary Boyfriend
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Australian singer-songwriter Karen Harding presented her new single 'Imaginary Boyfriend' on February 9. This song is a great alternative to the romantic songs that fill the airwaves on February 14.