Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
November 17, 2023
Seasonal Falls – Reach for Nearby
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'Reach for Nearby' is the debut single of the Swiss indie act Seasonal Falls. The track was released on November 17 and introduces us to an interesting and extraordinary band.
Seán R McLaughlin & The Wind-Up Crows – Feathers
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'Feathers' is the title of the new single from the Scottish artist Seán R McLaughlin & The Wind-Up Crows. The song will also appear on the artist's full-length album, which will be released in 2024.
Lemon – You Keep Me On Track
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The Dutch indie band Lemon has a long and exciting history of their ascent to the musical Olympus. Their first album was released in 2005, and since then the guys have been confidently moving towards their goal, releasing their music and negotiating with influential labels.
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MADAME NEPTUNE is a musical project of two artists and mulitiinstrumentalists who came together to highlight their own philosophy. Their art includes many components and music is one of their main trump cards.
millhope – Prototype
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On November 15, the German musician and producer millhope released a new single 'Prototype'. The song was recorded at millhope's home studio in collaboration with singer Jenny Thiele.
Kelsie Kimberlin – Turn Back
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Kelsie Kimberlin presented her third music video from the trilogy dedicated to the holy struggle of the Ukrainian people against the invaders. The track 'Turn Back' is the logical continuation of her previous song stories 'Armageddon' and 'Another Chance To Live Again', which suggests the return of all those millions of refugees to their native land.
Simesky+Fritch – SKALA.02
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Simesky+Fritch is an unparalleled musical project that marks a new breakthrough of cool retro 80s with new, refreshing interpretations. Simesky+Fritch are two experienced musicians, each of whom has an interesting creative path.