Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
December 9, 2021
Sun Affair – After All This Time
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On December 3, a new single by the Australian songwriter and composer Sun Affair was released. The song is called 'After All This Time' and this is the fourth single from the upcoming album of Sun Affair.
Evran – Christmas Day
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All the songs have their own story and the song 'Christmas Day' from the Norwegian artist Evran too. The track lay forgotten for 10 years and was restored by the author just for one submition to competition.
Snakedoctors – Got Him Another Girl
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The fifth single from the new album of the Polish band Snakedoctors was released recently and was called 'Got Him Another Girl'. This composition sounds in a minimalist garage rock sound. Simple drive chords with organic drums create the effect of proto-punk in the style of The Stooges.
JEAN – Time Capsule
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The New York singer-songwriter JEAN worked for a long time on his debut album before releasing it. 'Time Capsule' is collection of 11 songs conveys the dynamics of his thoughts and inspirations that opened the world of creativity and the path to the realization of his old dream, the release of his own music.
the Rec – Two Fingered Gestures
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On November 30, a new, fourth EP of the British band the Rec was released. This work is a collection of 4 old songs that have been processed by modern revisit and rethink.
Michael Girgis – Always, Summer
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EP 'Always, Summer' is a new work by California artist Michael Girgis. The mini-album of 5 songs was written during the summer of 2021 and it is a kind of summer greeting from the artist to all music lovers.
McKenzie Van Oss – Stereo To Heaven
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McKenzie Van Oss is an American artist who started her music career last year by releasing original pop rock singles. Prior to that, she successfully built a ballerina career and her love of music grew into a new self-realization way during quarantine.
Scustin – The Killer
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The Irish band Scustin recently shared their debut single 'The Killer'. The band impressed with its musical skill to place the right accents in the right places of the composition. Their music inspired by pop funk classics and it is very warm and rhythmic.