Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
Barry Muir – Bakersfield
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On April 10, Barry Muir released his new solo album 'Bakersfield'. The record contains 10 original songs written in collaboration with Joanne Stacey and Lucy LeBlanc, with whom Barry Muir has collaborated in recent years. 'Bakersfield' is exactly the album that all lovers of fresh and life-wise soft rock need.
Bandana Sons – While We’re Here
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Canadian band Bandana Sons presented their new single 'While We’re Here'. This life song is filled with the power of soulful and thoughtful lyrics that reflect the meaning of our existence itself.
Vili V – In Daddy’s Arms Again
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Vili V is a well-known Canadian artist who continues to prove through his music the power of will and the importance of kindness and hope. His creative path was full of events and discoveries, and his talent was always successful.
Ed Conley – One Night Volume
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Ed Conley is a professional and versatile musician who has a colorful creative path. As a professional drummer, Ed Conley has played with outstanding artists at venues of various levels. His studio session work and management of a Pinnacle Music School in Belleville, Canada speaks to the breadth of Ed Conley's talent and his all-encompassing love of music.
SWiiMS – Given To Me
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SWiiMS has already established itself on the Canadian indie scene as an interesting and promising band. Their style is original and charismatic as they lead their own special line, which contains elements of shoegaze, dream pop and indie.
Hot Mud – Rehab Rock
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On March 1, the debut album of the Canadian artist Hot Mud was released. The record is called 'Rehab Rock' and consists of 9 original tracks.
Tim Compagna – New Day
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On February 16, a new single by the Canadian artist and producer Tim Compagna was released. The song 'New Day' reminds us of the importance of every minute of life and the joy that comes with realizing it.
Code Seventy Three – Live Once
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On February 9, Canadian rock band Code Seventy Three released a new single 'Live Once'. This is one of their new 5 songs which are planned to be released early this year. Their debut mini-album 'Stained Man' already announced Code Seventy Three as an interesting and extraordinary rock band.
Shaela Miller – Mourning Tonight
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'Mourning Tonight' is a new single by Canadian singer-songwriter Shaela Miller. The song was created as a reaction to the loss of a friend by the artist and her feelings about it.
The Listros – Hands Against The Wall
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'Hands Against The Wall' is the second single of the Canadian rock band The Listros, which was released on February 9. After the international success of their debut single 'Into The Otherside', the guys move on with the same crazy energy and stage charisma.
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