Indie Dock Music Blog

Groove Moose - Let Me Shake You (single)              My Broken Integrity - Empty Walls (single)              Rosetta West - Night's Cross (album)              FAERYS - Control (single)              Matyas Moricz & The Echoes - Stronger (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
alternative pop
Amelie Swann – Dirty Looks
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Classics are immortal. Trip-hop has always been somewhere close, although it has always remained an alternative element. Amelie Swann is an artist from Philadelphia who builds her music on the trip-hop stem. Her debut EP 'Dirty Looks' was released on April 9 and has already attracted the attention of music lovers and fans of alternative genres of modern music.
mal sounds – tiny lies
By indiedockmusicblog | |
And again we are in New York City. This time our music hero is mal sounds and his single 'Tiny Lies'. The author is a performer and producer in the music project where he works in the styles of Alternative Pop.
Di WAV – Despierta
By indiedockmusicblog | |
'Despierta' - a new EP from Di Wav, a Latin American singer whose music will not leave indifferent fans of alternative genres of pop music. Her previous achievements in the field of Latin American show business have brought her a lot of fans around the world.
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