Indie Dock Music Blog

fig trees - Hotel Pomeroke (single)              Tom DiCillo - Shot of Blue (album)              Despite the Wane - The Angel of Death (single)              The Harbours - Live It Up (single)              Ecce Shnak - Jeremy, Utilitarian Sadboy (video)              TAMIW - Deep 'n' Shallow (single)                         
November 28, 2024
Mark Montijo – If I Get To Heaven
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Mark Montijo began performing in clubs and festivals in the mid-60s. His creative path has repeatedly crossed paths with such prominent figures as Jackson Browne, Tom Waits who also performed at the same venues. Mark Montijo played folk mixed with rock n roll and his music was promising.
Anita Eccleston – Winter Gala
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Canadian artist Anita Eccleston has shared her new album 'Winter Gala' in which she continues to experiment with lo-fi hip-hop beats and minimalist jazz arrangements. Anita Eccleston recorded and mixed this record herself, thus once again proving her talent as a promising musician and producer.