Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
January 12, 2024
Eddie Cohn – Who or What I Was Before
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On January 12, Eddie Cohn released a new single 'Who or What I Was Before'. His new song is the start of a kind of project planned for 2024 when he is going to release his new singles every month.
Adrielle Bow Belle – I Want You Back
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'I Want You Back' is the title of the new single New York based artist Adrielle Bow Belle. The release of her new song took place on January 12 and became another gem of her colorful music catalog.
Birch! – Drama Queen
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On January 12, the debut single of the artist Birch! was released. The song is called 'Drama Queen' and it tells about the dramatic breakup of a love relationship.
Chase the River – Ghost
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Stuart Lunn and his musical project Chase the River returns with a new single 'Ghost', which was released on January 12th. After the last releases of original music, Stuart Lunn took a forced break in his music career due to the birth of his son and the start of quarantine. But this did not stop the real artist, in whose heart wonderful songs continued to be born.
Painted Friends – Cain Complex
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On January 12, a new single by the Detroit band Painted Friends was released. The song is called 'Cain Complex' and it and echoes the story of Abel and Cain.