Indie Dock Music Blog

Anna Thoresen - LONELY (single)              Bart Thiede - Dust (single)              BEDIVINE - LIFT UP YOUR EYES (single)              Asta Bria – Emma (single)              Lily Pierce - Stuck Here, Writing Sad Songs (single)              GlassJack - Be My Lover (video)                         
October 4, 2023
Actve Captve – I Can’t Explain
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Actve Captve is an American band from Austin that creates and records fantastic pop rock hits that you want to listen to over and over again. 'I Can't Explain' is one of their last singles that lit up with bright colors last summer.
heavy on the heart. – Catch Me If I Fall
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'Catch Me If I Fall' is the title of the single from the American rock band heavy on the heart., which opens the curtain of their upcoming debut EP. Four like-minded musicians continue to release amazing rock hits filled with catchy melodies and driving sound.
Me & Melancholy – Under the cover of darkness
By indiedockmusicblog | |
On October 2, the full-length album of the Swedish musician and producer Peter Ehrling, who releases his music under the artist name Me & Melancholy, was released. The record is called 'Under the cover of darkness' and it consists of 14 original tracks that introduce us to the world of dark dreams, where night and loneliness go hand in hand.