Indie Dock Music Blog

Anna Thoresen - LONELY (single)              Bart Thiede - Dust (single)              BEDIVINE - LIFT UP YOUR EYES (single)              Asta Bria – Emma (single)              Lily Pierce - Stuck Here, Writing Sad Songs (single)              GlassJack - Be My Lover (video)                         
July 24, 2021
Mysko Disko – Ting Tong Trip
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Swedish musicians Viktor Hertz and Andreas Gejke returned to active creative work by creating an electronic project Mysko Disko. Their singularity and charisma are relayed through their music and videos that they create on their own. Their single 'Ting Tong Trip' was released on July 16.
FLOWVERS – The Old Chapel Demos
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The British band FLOWVERS from the coastal city of Portsmouth was organized by teenagers in 2016 and since then they have gained music weight by moving to a new category of show business as potential rock n roll stars.
Avaraj – World So Cold
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The single 'World so Cold' by American artist Avaraj is a picture of our society where everyone is left alone with themselves and their problems. Avaraj is based in Atlanta, USA where she composes songs filled with own experiences as well as true stories from other people's lives.
Fabiola Cristina – This Far
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Los Angeles singer and producer Fabiola Cristina released her new single 'This Far' on July 16th. Her new song is an anthem of inner strength that keeps us strong and forcing to move forward. Indeed, no one will help us if we do not want it because we are the only ones who can helps ourselves.
Mia Mormino – Showtime
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Mia Mormino creates her music professionally with a sense of great responsibility to all music lovers. The artist is based in Los Angeles, where she develops her image as a talented singer. Her new single 'Showtime' was released on July 16 and immediately took place into independent playlists.