Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
July 10, 2021
Soul Zimon & His Kozmic Combinations – Wheel Of Fortune
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Songs born in close to nature places where history has left everything as it was many hundreds of years ago, come out uniform to the ritual of ancient shamans and folk of ancient times. Soul Zimon & His Kozmic Combinations has been leading the family line since time immemorial from Sweden's northern deep forests. The band is currently based in both Oslo, Norway and Gothenburg, Sweden.
Mike Gale – Twin Spirit
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Mike Gale is a British musician known for his participation in the band Co-pilgrim. In 2015, he began his solo career with the release of his debut album. Since then, Mike has worked hard to find his own sound and release new albums of his own music. 'Twin Spirit' is his ninth album released on June 18.
Die Scholtys – Familiendemos
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It's an amazing story when a dad supported his children and organized a family rock band so that the children could realize their dream - to become rock stars. And here is the first result of this Berlin music phenomenon Die Scholtys - the release of the debut album 'Familiendemos' took place on July 2.
Desarae Dee – Late Arrival (Remix)
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We return to Canada again and meet the charming Desarae Dee again. On June 25, her new single 'Late Arrival (Remix)' was released. We have already mentioned this talented pianist and composer with her previous single and this time she did not let us down either.
Ruiz! – Mind Games
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Ruiz! is a solo project of a musician with a rich musical past marked participation in several successful British bands. The artist entered the music scene again with the album 'Mind Games'.