Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
Asta Bria – Emma
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London-based artist Asta Bria released her new single 'Emma' on January 19. This extremely sweet and lively musical composition is dedicated to the artist's niece, whose name is Emma, ​​and in fact, one true and fascinating story from her childhood. When Emma was only 3 years old, she set off on a journey to help all the suffering children and feed them.
Doctor Noize – I’m Listening
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Doctor Noize is a multifaceted artist who creates a unique musical layer of his own creativity. His new single 'I'm Listening' was created in collaboration with 5-time Grammy nominee Justin Roberts.
Dan Whitehouse – Campfire (Live At Real World Studios)
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"Campfire," the new single from Dan Whitehouse, recorded live at Real World Studios, is a poignant call for unity and connection. Serving as a prelude to his solo show "A Night Of Glass," which will be touring throughout 2024, this track beautifully encapsulates themes of togetherness and resilience.
TaniA Kyllikki – I Struck Gold With
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TaniA Kyllikki is an independent singer-songwriter from Great Britain, whose music penetrates deep into human souls, bringing out their feelings. TaniA Kyllikki independently writes the lyrics and records the vocal parts, while her husband Rynellton helps create the music.
Joe Bygraves – Healing
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'Healing' is the new single from Bedford singer-songwriter Joe Bygraves. The release of his new song took place on March 22 and started a new chapter in the work of this talented artist.
Colin Stauber – Colin Stauber Live At Coke Studio
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Colin Stauber is a talented singer-songwriter from California whose songs make us want to live and find new feelings. His new album is an unusual project that he created with the help of Coke Studio. The record is called 'Colin Stauber Live At Coke Studio' and contains 9 original songs that convey the latest Colin Stauber's creative impulses.
LORE – I’m Right Here
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'I'm Right Here' is the name of the new release from the Northern Irish band LORE. The song was written by the guitarist Luke McCloskey and tells about the death of his father.
Francis Alban Blake – Strawberry Jam
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The story of the Dutch artist and poet Francis Alban Blake (Frans de Blaak) is fascinating and magnetic. The mystery of the artistic nature affects our consciousness and understanding of things around us, if we have before us such a significant figure of modernity as Francis Alban Blake.
Sparkbird – Silent Film
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Thanks to their music, Sparkbird conveys to the world all their thoughts and experiences, everything that they have in their soul and wants to share. Sparkbird's soulful songs impress with their personality and vulnerability.
Anindya Mukherjee – You
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Anindya Mukherjee is an Indian singer-songwriter who creates insightful soulful songs. His latest single called 'You' came out on May 20th.
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