Indie Dock Music Blog

Foa Hoka & Fedir Tkachov - More Light! (album)              Rokita - Just Wanna Be With You (video)              Ben Dey - Cait (single)              [SAMPLE_TEXT] - Fear Everyone (album)              Leopold Nunan - 5 Meters (video)              Violet Whimsey - Love, Love (album)                         
Dario Acosta Teich – FOLKLORE
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The Argentine guitarist and composer Dario Acosta Teich presented his new album called 'FOLKLORE'. The album consists of eight tracks that include an imaginary tour of his homeland. Each of these compositions is created with love and tenderness and each of them represents unique elements of folklore traditions of a particular region of Argentina.
Zabeca – What Did I Miss?
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Argentine indie artist Zabeca presented his debut EP 'What Did I Miss?' August 20. His unique style of music is shaped by the influence of indie, Latin and classic pop culture. The lyrics Zabeca are clean and open, they cover different states of a person who gets into unusual situations.