Indie Dock Music Blog

Ellie Brétéché - States (single)              VGmates – Черным по белому || In Black and White (album)              Fake Plastic - Awake in the Night (album)              Strawberry Moon - Speak My Mind (single)              Alexander Nantschev - Your Star Smells Like Mine (album)              LECTRICS - The Mommas and the Tapas (album)                         
March 7, 2025
Catlea – Why Them
By indiedockmusicblog | |
American indie artist Catlea presented her new single 'Why Them', which is the fifth from her concept album ‘Language Barrier’. The song 'Why Them' is a cool track with intoxicating rock riffs and an incendiary rhythm.
4VR – Lie2Me
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Philidelphian electronic artist 4VR creates his own special layer of music that will definitely take its place on the modern alternative scene. Moving towards experimentalism, 4VR opens new facets of electronic music.