Indie Dock Music Blog

Ellie Brétéché - States (single)              VGmates – Черным по белому || In Black and White (album)              Fake Plastic - Awake in the Night (album)              Strawberry Moon - Speak My Mind (single)              Alexander Nantschev - Your Star Smells Like Mine (album)              LECTRICS - The Mommas and the Tapas (album)                         
March 2, 2025
Sam Slatcher – Set the World on Track
By indiedockmusicblog | |
'Set the World on Track' is the third single from the British singer-songwriter Sam Slatcher, taken from his upcoming album ‘Passengers & Pioneers’, which is scheduled for release on March 14.
Susie Cousins – Revelation
By indiedockmusicblog | |
On March 1, American singer-songwriter Susie Cousins released her new single 'Revelation'. This song was created together with the musician and producer Les Nuby (Verbena) and is a great addition to the colorful musical catalog of this talented artist.