Indie Dock Music Blog

Michael Vettraino - Chasing the Sub Lime (video)              JB Elwood - Right Here (single)              Bone Wars - Terrible Lizards (single)              the glitch youth - radiant (single)              After School Club - Until The End (single)              Gioaen - Isola delle Correnti (album)                         
February 5, 2025
Para Lia – Mind Song
By indiedockmusicblog | |
German indie rock band Para Lia continues to delight us with new releases. On January 31, Para Lia released their new single 'Mind Song' and we could not pass by this event. 'Mind Song' this is a really cool track where elements of post-punk and garage rock intersect, where the marching rhythm and rock n roll sound set the appropriate tone.
Larry Karpenko – Little Things New
By indiedockmusicblog | |
'Little Things New' is a new single from experienced Californian artist Larry Karpenko, released on January 31. This song has a beautiful acoustic sound that charges with vitality and sanctifies everything around with love.