Indie Dock Music Blog

Ryan McDavid - Bye Bye Unicorn (single)              K-LAT - The Demo Tape (album)              Karen Salicath Jamali - Dreams of Angels (album)              Coma Beach - Passion/Bliss (album)              Wisco - B O A T R O C K (album)              Third Man Syndrome - Ikarus (single)                         
January 17, 2025
K-LAT – The Demo Tape
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K-LAT is an original artist based in Belfast, Australia. His own life experiences organically transfer to his work where he expresses his thoughts and experiences.
Coma Beach – Passion/Bliss
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'Passion/Bliss' is a new EP from the German punk rock band Coma Beach. The release of this mini-album took place on January 9 and presented 5 tracks. Among these songs we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the single versions and radio edits of the well-known tracks.
Karen Salicath Jamali – Dreams of Angels
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On November 22, a new album by American pianist and composer Karen Salicath Jamali was released. The album is called 'Dreams of Angels' and it takes us to the world of angels where the feelings and experiences of heavenly creatures are transmitted through the fingers and touches of a talented musician.
Third Man Syndrome – Ikarus
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Third Man Syndrome is a musical project that emerged as a result of the passion and love for the expressiveness of instrumental music of the Austrian artist Gregor Fritz. On November 1, Third Man Syndrome released their new single 'Ikarus' recorded in a home studio in the picturesque Austrian town of Mäder.