Indie Dock Music Blog

ZELT - Istanbul'u Dinliyorum (album)              The Sex Guys - Tin Foil Hat (single)              Frank Richman - 99 Fire (single)              Diego Philips - I want to laugh until I cry (album)              Wilhelm - Wake Me in the Sunrise (album)              Bad Bubble - A Well Devised Plan (album)                         
December 16, 2024
Mick J. Clark – It’s Getting Near Christmas
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Christmas is coming soon, the most anticipated holiday on earth is already noticeably approaching. Christmas songs have always been a separate genre, because such a peculiar aura of goodness and fairy tales is only found in such songs.
N.A.S.H – LongArms
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N.A.S.H is an American rock band formed by three brothers in Park Ridge. From its very inception, N.A.S.H has taken a direction towards the classic traditions of rock music, presenting them in a new modern concept.
Roam Like Ghosts – Church
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American band Roam Like Ghosts recently shared their new album 'Church'. This is the third full-length album of this exciting band and on it we can follow the evolution of their sound and enjoy a selection of really cool songs.
Animal Souls – The Kids
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Animal Souls is a musical project led by bass guitarist and producer Michael Fisher. Animal Souls play multi-genre music based on classic and alternative rock. On December 13, Animal Souls released their new single 'The Kids' which perfectly refreshes their colorful musical catalog.