Indie Dock Music Blog

Glisster - Don’t Think I Am (single)              proFESSional - Television (video)              Slower - Hunting Club (single)              2nd Brightest Object - Emergent Signals (album)              Ebony Buckle - Hearts Get Started (album)              The Gerry Farrow Band - Take Me With You (single)                         
September 28, 2024
Cybophonia – Nothing More
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Cybophonia is the brainchild of Switzerland-based artist, producer and DJ Eros Minichiello. His creative path is filled with interesting collaborations and immersion in the eclectic musical side. He worked on soundtracks for films, television, and radio, and his own music catalog was replenished with interesting and unusual music.
By indiedockmusicblog | |
SUNRIDER '99 this is a music project behind Max Oliver, a New York based musician and producer. He writes and records his songs independently in his home studio, and the result of his creative efforts is his debut album 'FREAKING HAVOC'.