Indie Dock Music Blog

Anna Thoresen - LONELY (single)              Bart Thiede - Dust (single)              BEDIVINE - LIFT UP YOUR EYES (single)              Asta Bria – Emma (single)              Lily Pierce - Stuck Here, Writing Sad Songs (single)              GlassJack - Be My Lover (video)                         
August 18, 2024
La Need Machine – The Mountain
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On August 16, La Need Machine released their new single 'The Mountain'. A team of great musicians and singers gathered in Seattle to write and record fantastic songs that immediately hit our hearts.
Aster Rhys – Ocean Deep
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'Ocean Deep' is a new single from the American singer-songwriter Aster Rhys, released on August 9. Songs 'Ocean Deep', this is something incredible because they are filled with the power of deep lyrical content and beautifully arranged musically.
Emily Ricks – Call It Falling
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Young and promising artist Emily Ricks presented her new single 'Call It Falling'. The song tells, in an ironic manner, about the next breakup of a relationship and waiting for constant failure.