Indie Dock Music Blog

Ambrosius - Pathways (album)              Rokita - Just Wanna Be With You (video)              Ben Dey - Cait (single)              [SAMPLE_TEXT] - Fear Everyone (album)              Leopold Nunan - 5 Meters (video)              Violet Whimsey - Love, Love (album)                         
July 8, 2023
Asha – Hard Shit
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Los Angeles artist Asha released a new single 'Hard Shit' on July 7. This catchy and bright song has unique lyrics that are easy to understand when we start looking at all kinds of love-finding apps.
The Lunar Keys – 88 Train
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The new track from the British indie rock band The Lunar Keys is called '88 Train' and it was released on July 7. They are based in Guildford from where their music makes its way to the listener. The group move on, revealing their original creativity to the world.
Claire Bigley – Immersion
By indiedockmusicblog | |
On June 21, a new single by the New York musician and composer Claire Bigley was released. Her music has a universal meaning for the listener, because it is able to bring joy and peace and at the same time encourage memories to dive into its past.