Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
June 12, 2023
Chip & The Charge Ups – What Happened to the Boy Next Door?
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On June 2, the American rock band Chip & The Charge Ups released a new album called 'What Happened to the Boy Next Door?'. This year, Chip & The Charge Ups have already made their mark as 'Best Rock Band' in the 12th annual Iron City Rocks Pittsburgh Music Awards.
Dan Webb – Sunshine/Dialogue
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On June 9, a new full-length album by the Australian musician and composer Dan Webb was released. The record is called 'Sunshine/Dialogue' and it includes 12 original tracks that force us to keep our attention and concentrate on a completely new look at modern music.
Golem Dance Cult – 21st Century Dogs
By indiedockmusicblog | |
British band Golem Dance Cult recently shared a new album called 'Legend of the Bleeding Heart'. The guys play music based on rock, adding to it a portion of electronic, industrial and post-punk.