Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
April 19, 2023
Perdurabo – Dark Fire
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Perdurabo is the pseudonym of an Italian musician and producer Davide Arneodo, a member of the well-known alternative rock band Marlene Kuntz. Under this name he releases its own musical compositions that were written and recorded independently.
Cagri Raydemir – Black or White
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Germany-based artist and producer Cagri Raydemir presented his new 4-track EP 'Black or White' on April 7. Extremely prolific musically, Cagri Raydemir writes and records his own songs in his home studio in Munich.
Darling Fitch – Rise
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'Rise' is a new work by American artist Darling Fitch, who is based in Berlin, Germany. Their new single was released on March 31st and is a great addition to their colorful music catalog.
M.Krebs – Peggy Lee
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The well-known veteran of the noise rock and shoegaze scene Spencer Moody is back in the spotlight and now with a new project M.Krebs which also includes Brian Yeager and Jeff Alvarez. On February 9, the band M.Krebs released their debut album called 'Peggy Lee'.
Fabio Ferri – Griboyedov Incident
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Fabio Ferri is an Italian musician based in Bristol, UK. His innovative approach to creating of magnificent musical canvases is perfectly captured in his latest full-length album 'Griboyedov Incident'. The record was released at the end of last year and consists of 9 instrumental musical compositions.