Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
April 16, 2023
Bethan Lloyd – Metamorphosis
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Welsh artist Bethan Lloyd presented her new album called 'Metamorphosis' on April 7. The record consists of 9 tracks that are surrounded by the depth of sound research and immersion in the experimental world of music.
Dan Devon – Winona
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On March 31, the new single 'Winona' by Los Angeles-based artist Dan Devon was released. His experimental approach to the creative process gives an impressive effect and before us is a really original song that deserves attention.
Fish And Scale – Stay!
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'Stay!' is the name of the new single of the German artist Fish And Scale aka Roland Wälzlein, released on April 7. Thanks to the author's artistry and charisma, this song becomes a great addition to his music catalog, from which us can glean real pearls of modern folk pop.
Baklava Express – Dàvka
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Baklava Express is a New York band with a great and necessary mission to bring Middle Eastern music to a mass audience. Their debut album 'Dàvka' was released at the beginning of this year and revealed to listeners an incredible palette of folk music collected in one beautiful tracklist.