Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
January 12, 2023
Dan Szyller – The Celestial Immigrant
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Last year was a great debut for the singer-songwriter and musician Dan Szyller. His first album was recorded at the beginning of last year and released in the summer. The album is called 'The Celestial Immigrant' and consists of 7 original tracks representing rock music in various style directions.
Leonardo Barilaro – 365 Days of Entropy
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The Maltese composer and musician Leonardo Barilaro has completed his epic project 'Space Piano Music Everyday'. This is the first musical project of its kind in which one artist released one track every day for a whole year.
Juliet Callahan – Spotlight
By indiedockmusicblog | |
American singer-songwriter Juliet Callahan released her new single at the end of last year. The song is called 'Spotlight' and it is intended to record a new stage in the work of this talented artist.