Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
November 21, 2022
Nana Kottens – One More Chance
By indiedockmusicblog | |
On October 28, a new single by American-based singer-songwriter Nana Kottens was released. The song is called 'One More Chance', and contains a form of apology to the girl his heart sings to.
TerraTara – Empty Apartment
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The new song from Canadian singer-songwriter TerraTara is called 'Empty Apartment', and it's a true-to-life description of the everyday life of travelers who love their freedom above all else.
Dom Brinkley – Live and Well
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Dom Brinkley is a talented Australian guitarist and singer-songwriter who builds his music on the basis of funk and blues. After a series of beautiful singles, the musician returns with new EP made live on overhead stages in Melbourne.