Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
October 29, 2022
Dr Fabola – All Behind
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Manchester artist Dr Fabola released his new single 'All Behind' on October 21st. His unique style of playing the guitar and soft soulful singing sets the tone for enjoying the little things in life and taking it as it is.
Sarves Thiru – Harmony: Lokah Samastah
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British singer-songwriter Sarves Thiru released her second single 'Harmony: Lokah Samastah' on October 28. Her gentle folk music is rooted in Indian culture, which carries with it the depths of self-discovery and appeasement.
Rodeo FM – Right Wing Planet
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The German band Rodeo FM presented their new single 'Right Wing Planet' on September 25. In this song there are words that talk about the bad situation in the world system, which further leads to war, hunger and trouble.
William Sanford – Boomer Vibe “Sessions”
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'Boomer Vibe "Sessions"' is the name of the new album from the American electronic artist William Sanford. His music is a unique cultural phenomenon that incorporates many types of electronic styles such as downtempo and trip-hop mixed with psychedelic images that arise and create an incredible atmosphere of perception.
Stefan Dando – Loser Anatomy 
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The new single of the London artist Stefan Dando is called 'Loser Anatomy' was released on October 7. This is the second official single from this insightful artist whose songs are sensitive and romantic.