Indie Dock Music Blog

Foa Hoka & Fedir Tkachov - More Light! (album)              Rokita - Just Wanna Be With You (video)              Ben Dey - Cait (single)              [SAMPLE_TEXT] - Fear Everyone (album)              Leopold Nunan - 5 Meters (video)              Violet Whimsey - Love, Love (album)                         
July 9, 2022
Galaxy Thief – Reason
By indiedockmusicblog | |
In their five years of existence, Galaxy Thief has transformed from a beginner group into a big indie rock band that often performs at summer festivals in Great Britain. The collective consists of four like-minded musicians who have their own studio on the farm, where they record new songs that ignite with their energy and melody.
Angela Chambers – Jumping The Gun
By indiedockmusicblog | |
Angela Chambers is an American singer-songwriter who realizes her creative ambitions in Germany, where she has established excellent relationships with many well-known musicians and artists. When she met Casper Clausen, they immediately formed a creative tandem that led to cooperation on the single 'Jumping The Gun'.