Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
November 23, 2021
Schubertlied.Salon – Erlkönig Goes Electric
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The German trio Schubertlied.Salon presented the fruit of their joint work on October 29. The music video 'Erlkönig Goes Electric' represents by the band a street performance of the song Franz Schubert.
Penguins Lonely Heart – Kill The President
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The band Penguins Lonely Heart is a collaboration that works over a huge distance that connects the city of Cork, Ireland and Vladivostok, Russia. They are duo of creative people who create unique ideas and convey them through music and video.
The Well Bears – UFO
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The band The Well Bears was founded by two friends in Israel. Their desire to learn about UFOs and kidnappings as well as the desire to tell friends about it push tham to gathere in the studio to create their debut track 'UFO'.
Departure – Hipocampo
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After 10 years of living in London, the Colombian musician Departure enters the electronic scene with the single 'Hipocampo'. This composition has an amazing charm with its original Colombian melody and psychedelic background.
Phillip Good – Let The Song Cry
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The song 'Let The Song Cry' by Phillip Good helps all women who experience violence to cheer up and fight for their rights. Violence comes in one form or another and women have a better chance of correcting it through their actions rather than silence.
CritikilCondition – LeadTheWay
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The American band CritikilCondition based in St. Louis released the single 'LeadTheWay'. This song is a tribute to the influence of the alternative rock of the 90s on the modern creative approach of this musicians.