Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
October 1, 2021
Rubber Duckie Escape! – Flower Power
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Indie Rock band Rubber Duckie Escape! debuted with their single 'Flower Power'. This catchy song has a dreamy and interesting sound that is transmitted by guitars with samba rhythms that sway and swing dancing with its elegant motif.
Somber Distortion – Burden
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Somber Distortion is a solo rock progect of a Finnish musician and producer Joni Kyynäräinen. In his songs he tries to capture the enchanting atmosphere of alternative rock of the 80s and 90s, filling it with modern experiments in the arrangement forms and with the addition of a northern cool mood.
A Permanent Shadow – Shining Star
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Spanish band A Permanent Shadow released a new single 'Shining Star' on September 24th. This song has a beautiful instrumental arrangement with a smooth flow of melodies that intersect and give that effect of graceful soft rock.
TX2 – Where’d U Come From?
By indiedockmusicblog | |
'Where'd U Come From?' is the name of the new single by American artist TX2. The story of the growth of the new Florida star began in the Fort Collins where he received his first support from local fans. Moving to Miami, the artist opened the door to a new world of great opportunities.