Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
June 15, 2021
Bennykaay – On My Mind
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Recently, we have increasingly seen pop-punk mixed with other alternative styles of contemporary music as hip hop, trip hop, trap. Bennykaay connected his pop-punk with the trap in the new single 'On My Mind'.
Marble Raft – Geography A
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Contemporary artists are releasing less and less full-length albums, especially conceptual albums. It's a pity, because such full-fledged works can best represent a certain period in the musician's work and have a better chance of perpetuating his name. Marble Raft is an indie pop duo from Stockholm, and they released an album which can rightly be considered a conceptually creative work.
Mike Stoyanov – No Regrets
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Mike Stoyanov is a new name on the London indie rock scene. His second single 'No Regrets' was released on June 4. The stormy rock n roll of his new song charges us with energy from the first overloaded chords.
Kiolo – sunshine
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John Kolar and Andrew Jemiolo were studied at the West Virginia University for an engineer and a physicist respectively, and had no idea they would start making music seriously. But whatever it was, they created an indie pop duo and called it Kiolo.