Indie Dock Music Blog

Ambrosius - Pathways (album)              Rokita - Just Wanna Be With You (video)              Ben Dey - Cait (single)              [SAMPLE_TEXT] - Fear Everyone (album)              Leopold Nunan - 5 Meters (video)              Violet Whimsey - Love, Love (album)                         
April 20, 2021
SeepeopleS – It Feels Heavy
By indiedockmusicblog | |
What is the difference between cult and legendary bands? Once recording a song that stirred the masses, or performing on the big stage and turning a lot of fans into a shamanic rite, this is enough for cult. It takes a lot more effort to become a legend. Need to do tons of work, perform at many concerts, make records with other artists, add other genres of art to own role and play, play and play, no matter what.
Vex Message – Data Regime
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The beautiful single debut was presented on April 9 by the band from the North of England Vex Message. The work is called 'Data Regime' and it consists of an original track and two remixes that together form the whole single.