Indie Dock Music Blog

Ambrosius - Pathways (album)              Rokita - Just Wanna Be With You (video)              Ben Dey - Cait (single)              [SAMPLE_TEXT] - Fear Everyone (album)              Leopold Nunan - 5 Meters (video)              Violet Whimsey - Love, Love (album)                         
April 8, 2021
Enlightenment Saloon – Learning Curve
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Guitarist and vocalist Scott DL founded the wonderful music project Enlightenment Saloon in Cheltenham, UK. He previously worked in music industry in the United States, where he recorded several CDs and collaborated with some famous people from show business. His music journey is an interesting musical adventure that was continued in England.
Canek – You and Him
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The state of modern music is constantly changing. Something comes, something goes away, but one thing is clear, classical music will always be the basis for future searches for pop musicians. Musicians of all modern genres of pop music experiment with classical music, adding some elements to the arrangement or harmony of their songs. And of course, this teaches music lovers to get acquainted with the classical works of great composers.