Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
Single Reviews
Proklaim – Bitter Sweet
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On February 4, a new single by progressive hip-hop artist Proklaim was released. The song is called 'Bitter Sweet' and it has become a great addition to the ever-growing musical catalog of Proklaim.
Rebecca Helen – Patterns In The Sky
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'Patterns In The Sky' is the new single from Cape Town artist Rebecca Helen. 'Patterns In The Sky' was written in collaboration with songwriter Sasha, where each brought their own vision to this captivating song.
Ludwig Jonsson – No Angel Is Watching
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'No Angel Is Watching' is the new single from Swedish rock artist Ludwig Jonsson. The track was produced in the artist's home studio, where an authentic rock sound with modern trends was imprinted.
Victoria Vilalta – Mumbling
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'Mumbling' is a new song by London based indie artist Victoria Vilalta. Currently, Victoria Vilalta is preparing to release her debut album, so the song 'Mumbling' opens the curtain on her upcoming record.
Jefferson Pitcher – The Crane
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'The Crane' is the title of the new single of the American singer-songwriter Jefferson Pitcher, released on February 7. This song is the first single from his upcoming new album 'The Bellows', and is a wonderful addition to this talented artist's colorful music catalog.
Dryadic – Rainbow Family
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On February 7, British indie folk band Dryadic presented his new single 'Rainbow Family'. This song was written while traveling on a canal boat during the pandemic by vocalist and band founder Zora McDonald. – falling fwd
By indiedockmusicblog | | is a unique artist whose work offers a glimpse into the world of an Android with intelligence living in the future. It is the image of an artist with a TV instead of a head that opens up our first acquaintance with this amazing project.
Larry Karpenko – Little Things New
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'Little Things New' is a new single from experienced Californian artist Larry Karpenko, released on January 31. This song has a beautiful acoustic sound that charges with vitality and sanctifies everything around with love.
Matyas Moricz & The Echoes – Stronger
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London indie rock band Matyas Moricz & The Echoes debuted with the single 'Stronger' on January 31. This sensitive and soulful song penetrates straight to the heart with its sad motif and catchy choruses.
FAERYS – Control
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FAERYS is a duo of two talented producers who decided to join forces in search of a completely new sound. Inviting different vocalists from all over the world to collaborate, FAERYS keep the brand of cool musical experimenters.